2023/24 Photographer of the Year - combined Theme and Open compeition scores.

Open TotalsTheme TotalsOverall Totals
Belinda Roll3935.574.5
Brian Marcer7039.5109.52nd
Chris Owen7034.5104.5
Estelle Morris16.53551.5
Graham Morris15.523.539
Grenville Payne2622.548.5
John Riggott6431.595.5
John Tallowin662490
Liz Fiddy67.531.5100
Martin Johns000
Paul Collela79371171st
Paul Heinrich68371083rd
Rachel Farrow38.53068.5
Richard Powell52.52981.5
Trevor Fiddy58.53694.5
Andrew Green312657
Megan Roters08.58.5
Sally Roters077
John Nield09.59.5