2020/21 Q1 - Open Comp' (Digital, Prints or Mixed Entries)

1st Quarterly - Open
All digital images judged online
RichardPowellHaving Fun9.5Taking A Rest7.517
LizFiddyA Little Late Maybe10Ready For CV Restrictions6.516.5
PaulHeinrichShunting The Yard8Wave816
JohnRiggottCity Reflection8Shrieking Pit816
BelindaRollLow Tide Clam Fishing9Swanning Around716
BrianMarcerThe Emerald Lake7The Chaple8.515.5
PaulColellaThe Grand Mosque7.5The joy of Winning7.515
TrevorFiddyAnvil Cloud At Dawn7.5Horsey Mill at Dawn7.515
MartinJohnsOn a Nature Walk Magnified Moss7The Downwind Leg815
LindaJohnsonTractors7Feast Day815
AlanWaddingtonSpanish Eyes7Peppers815
BobWhitbreadHigh Ground6Taking Over713
ChrisOwenSpirograph6.5Reflection of Speed6.513
GeenKyleA Slash of Green7.5XX7.5
MichaelOttawayLaburnham Trunk6.5XX6.5