2015/16 Q3 Digital Images; "Weather"

Scores out of 10 for each image. The two scores for each members entries are then combined to determine the winner.
BobWhitbreadCromer Storm10
RichardGamblingEtna Space Ship9.5
KevinOsbourneStorm Clouds Over Thurne9.5
RichardPowellTo the Rescue9.5
BrianMercerWinter's Gloom9
RichardPowellGlen Coe9
JimCobbWet Leaf8.5
MikeKingTousled Grass8.5
BrianMercerFog & Snow8.5
KevinOsbourneHoar Frost ar Whittlingham Broad8.5
SarahToonTop of the Sun8.5
RachelFarrowRain, Rain, Rain8
RachelFarrowSummertime Sun on Water8
RichardGamblingRye Harbour8
MichaelOttawaySun on Snow8
RayWoolcockMisty Landscape8
SueBadgerCaught in the Rain7.5
MichaelOttawaySnow on Trees7.5
ChrisOwenMy Retreat7.5
JohnRiggottTurned Out Nice Again7.5
BelindaRollWindy Mill7.5
BobWhitbreadWinter Walk at Felbrigg7.5
GaileBuckinghamRain Coming7
GaileBuckinghamFantastic Finale7
LizFiddyWindy? No Today is Thursday7
TrevorFiddySnowy Dales7
TrevorFiddyTombland on a Rainy Night7
MikeKingKeep Your Hair (Hat) On7
MichaelMooreSquall Coming7
GrahamMorrisPisky Morning7
ChrisOwenSolar Eclipse7
JohnRiggottRainbows End, Allonby7
BelindaRollTurbulence Ahead7
SarahToonCromer Sunset7
LizFiddyPurple Rain6.5
GrahamMorrisItsa Kinda Magic6.5
RayWoolcockStorm Brewing6.5
PeterBoneyWinter Weather6
PeterBoneyStorm Coming6
JimCobbEvening Cloud6
SueBadgerAfter the Storm5